1. Explore the car-free streets of Şirince Village

What is it? A gem of a town in rural Izmir.
Why go? A quirky historical fact about Şirince is that it used to be called “Çirkince”, meaning “ugly”, as an attempt to ward off visitors from disrupting the peace in the village. Tucked away in the picturesque hills of the Izmir province, Şirince is anything but ugly. The village flaunts a gorgeous assembly of old greek houses stacked along windy, cobbled lanes while being surrounded by lush greenery on all sides. Popular media knows Şirince as the only place on earth which was prophesied to survive doomsday in 2012, which, fortunately we all came through unscathed. What it should be known for however is its wine houses and open market bazaar, historic churches and breathtaking natural beauty. Şirince is also home to the Nesin Mathematics Village and the Theatre Medrese.
Don't miss: Go jewellery shopping for Zultanite; a rare, local gemstone that changes colour in the light.