I for island spa
Enoshima Island Spa, 2-1-6 Enoshima, Fujisawa, Kanagawa. 0466 29 0688. www.enoshimaislandspa.com.
By Nicholas Narigon
Slow food is a thing. And now slow travel is becoming a thing too. What exactly does this mean? Well, essentially, it's a global reaction against the cult of speed. Slow travel means unhurried, low-economic impact journeys that usually involve travel on land or sea rather than by aeroplane. And, instead of rushing from A to B, it gives you the chance to become part of local life and to connect to a place and its people.
In the third issue of Time Out Tokyo magazine, we suggested '50 great escapes and staycations' for making the most of your summer. These 10 'slow travel' escapes make up part of that feature. Our aim was to reflect back on a time when travel was still an unhurried affair. When there was romance in the journey, and cross-country road trips involved some sort of stupid car game.
Speaking of car games, how 'bout a leisurely round of 'I spy with my little eye, something beginning with...'
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