Meet top business executives from around the world
Into the Bright is a platform for sharing creative and innovative ideas for the purpose of enacting positive social change. It’s the brainchild of Saffron Brand Consultants, a global brand consulting firm best known for facilitating Facebook’s transformation into Meta, and debuted at the Tate in London in December 2023. The inaugural event saw branding and creativity executives from organisations including YouTube, IBM and Unicef share their perspectives on topics such as design, marketing and technology.
During the Into the Bright forum in Kyoto, you'll be able to learn from prominent business executives from around the world. There will be a total of three sessions, themed ‘Innovation’, ‘Resilience’ and ‘Collaboration’ respectively.
Under each theme, you'll hear from acclaimed speakers including Jesús Encinar (founder and CEO of Idealista), Jacob Benbunan (CEO of Saffron Brand Consultants), Andrew Stark (former head of Meta’s Marketing and Growth Division and co-founder of Reflective Works), Martha Thorne (senior advisor to the Henrik F. Obel Foundation and former executive director of the Pritzker Architecture Prize), and Susanne Birbragher (president and founder of Liaisons corporation). For more information on the speakers, visit here.
At the forum, you’ll also get a chance to network with these esteemed individuals as well as other attendees.