A major beer brand in Japan, Yebisu has its legion of loyal fans who love its rich and toasty aroma. The beer was born in Ebisu around 130 years ago and was brewed there until 1988. The Yebisu Garden Place was formerly the site of Yebisu Beer Brewery but now houses a museum dedicated to the beer.
Each year in September, the Yebisu Garden Place hosts the vibrant, hops-soaked Yebisu Beer Festival. Now in its 11th year, the festival this year will take place from September 13 to 23. September 13-19 is the preamble, and then the festivities ramp up for the long September 20-23 weekend, with a food court, weekend market, and live entertainment.
If you want to catch the official opening ceremony, be there at 5.30pm on Saturday, September 20.