Quaint theme park Tokyo German Village is celebrating winter with an elaborate music-themed illumination filled with 3,000,000 lights. After you’ve toured the fields decorated with lights shaped like lollipops, ice cream and cookies, stick around for the 15-minute light and sound show, which features rainbow lights that sync with music and bubbles that smell like candy.
Just outside the candyland area, you’ll spot colourful paper lanterns in all shapes and sizes. There are ten areas, with impressive lantern displays, including a garden with palm trees and flowers, a flock of flamingos by the water, a life-size pirate ship and even a massive T-rex head with its mouth wide open.
Don’t forget to check out the illumination made in collaboration with Nakayama Racecourse too, which will be on show until February 5. It’ll also feature plenty of sweets, as well as an elaborate light show incorporating smoke and lasers.