Time Out Tokyo travel survey
Time Out Tokyo
Time Out Tokyo

Survey: Travelling in the time of coronavirus

We want to know how the coronavirus pandemic has affected your lifestyle and travel plans


[UPDATE] The survey has ended. Thank you for your participation.


Although Japan’s state of emergency has been lifted and the country is slowly reopening to visitors, the ongoing Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic means we all have to adapt to restricted travel, social distancing and other new safety measures. The current situation is challenging – it’s changing the way we work, live and communicate. The pandemic’s impact on our daily lives has also transformed the way we think about once mundane activities like washing our hands. Around the world, everyone is getting used to this ‘new normal’.

To get a better grasp on how the pandemic is impacting your life in Japan, we have a quick new survey below for our Japan-based readers. We want to know how the pandemic has influenced your outlook on travel and if you are taking advantage of any of the current travel discounts and deals. There's been a lot of talk lately about 'workations' and 'staycations', too, so we'd like to know if you have any of those planned for the future. The survey is anonymous, and we'd love to hear your thoughts.

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