1. Because Tokyo is resilient

Covid-19 isn’t behind us just yet, but if there’s one thing the pandemic has proven, it’s that this city can get through anything. In those unsteady early days of 2020, Tokyoites were quick to bring out their face masks and hand sanitiser and adhere to all the new safety measures. Even through states of emergency, people kept helping each other out: donating unused face masks to the needy, helping the elderly book vaccination appointments and supplying goods to food banks.
There’s no doubt the past 18 months have changed the world forever, and Tokyo hasn’t been spared. But our beloved city is no stranger to sudden change. Tokyo has weathered typhoons, fires and earthquakes, coming out the other side different, reinvented, and always on its feet. Tokyo’s adaptability is exactly what makes it so resilient. We know Tokyo can adapt to all this, too – and we can’t wait to get back out there and see what’s new. Tokyo will always be here, ready when you are.