1. Mukojima Hyakkaen plum festival
    Photo: Tokyo Metropolitan Park Association
  2. Mukojima Hyakkaen plum festival
    Photo: Tokyo Metropolitan Park Association
  3. Mukojima Hyakkaen plum festival
    Photo: Tokyo Metropolitan Park Association

Mukojima Hyakkaen Plum Festival

  • Things to do

Time Out says

Mukojima Hyakkaen Gardens has been revered as a prime flower viewing spot since the Edo period (1603-1868). In fact, the layout and some of the buildings in this heritage park date back to that time. The highlight, however, is the garden’s 360 plum trees of 20 kinds, which come alive in full bloom between February 10 and March 3 during the annual Plum Festival.

If possible, make sure you visit on February 11 or 18 for the special Edo-era entertainment. There will be a variety of street performances and dances scheduled at 11.40am, 1pm and 3pm. Don’t miss the suzume-odori performance, also known as the sparrow dance, on February 12 and 25 at 1pm and 3pm.

Volunteer guides are offering a 60-minute garden tour on February 23 at 11am and 2pm as well as walking tours with a focus on wildflowers on February 17 and 24 at 11.40am and 2.40pm. Note that the tours are in Japanese only. All events are free, but there is a fee to enter the garden. 

The garden is open daily from 9am-5pm.


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