1. Kawagoe Matsuri
    Photo: SuppliedKawagoe Matsuri
  2. Kawagoe Matsuri
    Photo: SuppliedKawagoe Matsuri
  3. Kawagoe Matsuri
    Photo: Lilleskut/Dreamstime
  4. Kawagoe Festival
    Photo: SuppliedKawagoe Festival
  • Things to do
  • Kawagoe Hikawa Shrine, Saitama

Kawagoe Matsuri

Don't miss the spectacular Kawagoe Festival, especially the float parades


Time Out says

One of Greater Tokyo's most spectacular traditional matsuri, the Kawagoe Festival has been going for more than 370 years. The matsuri is famous for its huge floats parading along the city’s kurazukuri (old architecture) streets. Make sure you stay until the evening when the floats are lit up and the festivities reach their peak in a cacophony of drums, bells, flutes, moving floats and dancing, known as hikkawase.

The festival float parade is held in front of city hall on Sunday (around 1.30pm-4pm) while the festival float light-up takes place on Saturday (around 6pm-7pm). If you're only coming for the main event, hikkawase is held throughout the evening on both Saturday and Sunday.

You'll also find fringe events on both days, including a traditional acrobatic ladder performance (around 6.20pm) and a mikoshi (portable shrine) parade (from 1pm) on Saturday.

For the detailed event schedule, visit here.


Event website:
Kawagoe Hikawa Shrine
2-11-3 Miyashitamachi, Kawagoe-shi
Honkawagoe Station (Seibu Shinjuku line)

Dates and times

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