Yuru-chara, japanese mascot
Photo: YouTube screenshot
Photo: YouTube screenshot

These Japanese mascot videos will make you laugh out loud

Take a break from work with Kumamon, Chiitan and other Japanese mascots

Kasey Furutani

We've been staying home for months now and starting to get uneasy. Now more than ever, we all need a good laugh and nothing is funnier than Japanese mascots. Called yuru-chara in Japanese, these dopey costumed characters that represent cities and businesses seem to have minds, and social media accounts, of their own. Take a break from work or settle in with the kids and laugh out loud at these videos of mascots dancing, goofing around and even flying. 

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Chiitan’s tricks and stunts

Chiitan, the delinquent unofficial mascot of Susaki City in Kochi prefecture, has many hilarious videos of herself falling down, shredding in a metal band and getting into trouble, all compiled into this 13-minute long video.

Watch Chiitan attempting to perform stunts, getting chased by children in a park and otherwise terrorising the small town. It's obvious that Chiitan has some anger management issues and it's therapeutic to watch her beat up objects.

We also hope that the Chiitan suit has plenty of padding on the inside – we can't get enough of her pratfalls. 

Local mascots dance to ‘Call Me Maybe’

Mascots are everywhere in Japan, advertising doctor’s offices, snacks and handwashing. However, some of the funniest and most obscure mascots come from local governments. All 47 prefectures in Japan have their own mascots – meet them in their hometowns as they introduce historical and cultural landmarks and dance to Carly Rae Jepson’s ‘Call Me Maybe’. The catchy pop song and the cheesy costumes are a match made in heaven.


The Chiba Lotte Marines mascot finds its head

Who would have thought a two-part angler fish skeleton would be a mascot of a baseball team? The Chiba Lotte Marines mascot is a bizarre, ever-evolving being that can constantly shed and regain its body parts. In this video, the mascot picks up its head at an airport baggage claim and casually goes about its day.

Yuru-chara create a Guinness World Record

This one is an oldie but a goodie. In 2013, Japanese mascots set the Guinness World Record for the largest mascot dance with 134 different mascots dancing to the song ‘Hige Dance’ in Sasebo, Nagasaki. Kumamon, Japan’s most famous mascot, is front and centre. Can you recognise any of the others? 


Learn onsen rules with Kumamon

Kumamoto, Kumamon’s hometown, is known for its hot springs. Entering an onsen can be intimidating for first-timers, so make sure to learn from Kumamon’s mistakes in this English-subtitled video. Kumamon repeatedly embarrasses itself as it learns how to bathe properly with the help of a Kumamoto native. 

Ragamaru-kun plays rugby

Ragamaru-kun is the alien dog mascot for rugby in Tokyo's Chofu City, one of the hosts for the 2019 Rugby World Cup. Ragamaru-kun loves rugby – watch it try to catch a ball using only its moving ears for some reason. Ragamaru-kun’s Twitter has blown up with videos recently and one of the best ones has the rugby dog flying into space


Hiyawan’s music videos

Hailing from Nabari City in Mie, Hiyawan’s face resembles both a Noh mask and also a middle-aged, black and white dog that could pass as Ragamaru-kun’s salaryman father. Don’t be fooled, though, Hiyawan is hip for its age – the dog is the star of local music videos with its original theme songs.

The first video appeals to the younger crowd, featuring pop group Pocket Rabbit while the second video is more traditional – Hiyawan shows off Nabari City’s landmarks and even gets drunk on sake with the town’s mayor. 

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