Cirque du Soleil’s Totem show premiered in 2010 and has since captivated three million audience members around the world. In February 2016, the show comes to Japan, promising a breathtaking and emotional performance. With Totem, the world’s leading circus group brings to life a spectacular tale following the journey of humankind, from its very beginning to the present and on into the future. It also explores how curiosity, ambition and passion drive humans to make the impossible possible. The ever-changing stage incorporates state-of-the-art technology and the impressive feats of acrobatic entertainment challenge the limits of the human body. Prepare to be enthralled!
Time Out says
- Event website:
- Address
- Price:
- Adults from ¥6,500 on weekdays, from ¥7,500 on weekends and hols
- Opening hours:
- Showtimes vary, please check the online calendar
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