In an unexpected collaboration between Japanese Noh theatre and the Brazilian literary art of Cordel comes ‘Hell Says Noh’, a brand new contemporary production featuring Naohiko Umewaka, a Noh theatre master.
Not only is this a modern take on traditional theatre, complete with the intregration of multimedia, the cross-cultural production is also symbolic of the present time – it's emblematic of the passing of the Olympic torch as Japan prepares to host the 2020 Olympics.
The show is loosely based on the Cordel masterpiece 'A Chegada de Lampião no Inferno', where Lampião, a ruthless gangster, is denied entry to the gates of hell by Satan. English subtitles will be provided to make it easier to follow along. The show will last for approximately 40 minutes, followed by a workshop that incorporates the martial arts of karate and capoeira with Noh (only for the 2pm show on both days). The show is free, but you'll have to register for a ticket here.