1. 行知学園書店
    Photo: Time Out Tokyo Editors
  2. 行知学園書店
    Photo: Time Out Tokyo Editors
  3. 行知学園書店
    Photo: Time Out Tokyo Editors
  4. 行知学園書店
    Photo: Time Out Tokyo Editors

Coach Academy Bookstore

  • Shopping | Bookshops
  • Okubo

Time Out says

Looking for textbooks to learn Japanese or help you prepare for university entrance exams? This bookshop in Shin-Okubo specialises in educational books geared towards foreign residents and students. 

The shelves are stocked with a wide range of Japanese learning books for all levels, admission exam preparation books for specific universities, books to train for the JLPT (that’s the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test) and even instructional books to help you make a Japanese résumé.


Lions Mansion Shinokubo 2F, 2-4-5 Hyakunincho, Shinjuku
Shin-Okubo Station
Opening hours:
Wed-Mon 12noon-6pm, closed Tue
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