An innovative teppanyaki spot serving up an array of seasonal meats, seafood, poultry and vegetables, Grand Hyatt Tokyo's Keyakizaka mixes and matches with an international selection of flavours and influences. The produce displayed inside the restaurant adds a nice touch – diners can point to whatever looks good and the chefs will go right to work on the ingredients.
The restaurant also serves up their signature Keyakizaka beef which is developed by Keyakizaka's chef de cuisine Yoshinobu Honda in collaboration with Takeuchi Farm in Akiruno. The cattle are fed a handmade mix of superfoods including quinoa, seaweed, cacao and blueberries – all of which are ingredients used at Keyakizaka and results in a perfect fat to lean ration in the meat. Diners can dig into this special beef where both course menus and à la carte options are available.