This unique udon restaurant specialises in extra-wide noodles, otherwise known as Himokawa udon. This style of noodles originated from the Kiryu area of Gunma prefecture, which is revered for its quality wheat production. The wide udon ribbons here are on the soft side but they still have a good bite. More importantly, they are so slippery smooth it's joy to eat.
At this super popular Ginza eatery, you can sample the exceptionally wide udon noodles in a range of styles such as zaru dipping style, or bukkake style with a simple sauce poured over chilled noodles and served with toppings. Our favourite however, is the assorted tempura zaru set. The tempura, which consists of two prawns and several seasonal vegetables, are exceptionally good for a noodle restaurant. As for the dipping udon, you get to choose two out of five sauce: soy sauce, sesame, black sesame with pepper, roasted sake, and curry.
The queue at this Ginza restaurant is legendary. So you might want to consider going to its Nihonbashi outlet instead, which has a relatively shorter queue.