nicky romero

Five minutes with Nicky Romero

We caught up with the busy Dutch DJ and producer before his show at Womb


Even if you're not an EDM fan, Nicky Romero's tunes probably ring a bell. The Dutch DJ and producer first made it big on Protocol Recordings and has since collaborated with mainstream Japanese acts like Sekai No Owari and Exile. In Tokyo for the second time – he also played at Ultra Japan last year – as part of an Asia tour that's already hit Thailand, Singapore and Taiwan, Romero joined us for a quick chat before his set at Womb last Tuesday night.

How are you feeling right now? Excited for the show?

Yes of course.

I saw so many anonymous faces on the dancefloor.

Yeah of course, that’s all there is!


Do you have pre-show ritual?

Normally, every time we go on the show, I put on a samurai jacket [laughs]. No not really, I just relax. 

I saw you mention on Instagram that yesterday was press day, but did you have time to go around Tokyo?

I only did TV interviews, and went around a little bit with Fuji TV. We saw stuff next door, we went to a few press agencies, we’ve been to a park. But for the rest, not so much. Hopefully we’ll get some time to look around.

Last year you came to Tokyo for the first time. What was the Japanese audience like?

I think the Japanese audience is the best audience I’ve had so far. Ultra Japan was maybe even better than Ultra Miami.

How come?

I don’t know, people here are so cool and so nice. 

Do you feel like people in Japan show respect?

Yes, very respectful and very friendly.

You've probably been asked this a million times, but what are your thoughts on the EDM scene right now?

It’s changing. I think change once in a while isn’t bad for anyone. It means we all need to step up our game and try something different. I think it’s healthy for the industry, it’s healthy for everyone. Sometimes things change and everybody needs to refine themselves so I don’t think it’s such a bad thing.

So you feel positive about it?

Yeah I don’t think it’s bad. I feel positive about it. 


Do you listen to EDM on your free time?

No, never.

Why not?

Because I already do this for work. It would be the same for police officers. When they’re off duty, they’re still watching the streets for theft. Sometimes you need to step out of your work to see it clearly.

What do you usually listen to, then?

Ludovico Einaudi, a pianist. I like to listen to a Dutch band called BLØF – I like all kinds of stuff except EDM. There’s a band called Kensington that I really like, Dotan from Holland. There’s a lot of good talent from Holland.

Why did you decide to do your tour on a smaller scale, and are you planning to come back any time soon?

I think we go for the best show quality-wise. And yes of course, hopefully if people want me to be back here I'll definitely be back, because I think it’s an amazing place. 

Do you prefer smaller or bigger shows?

No preference. Both can be really good.





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