In this age of Covid-19 coronavirus, face masks and hand sanitisers have become a normal part of our daily lives. And now, it’s getting easier to obtain these items as some vending machines in Japan have started offering safety products such as face masks and sanitising wipes next to bottles of tea and coffee.
Japanese beverage company DyDo will start offering these products nationwide in their vending machines from October. You’ll be able to spot them easily as the machines will display a label reading ‘Stay Healthy’ in both English and Japanese.
Face masks will be sold in packs of two while the disinfecting wipes come in ten sheets per pack. They will each retail for ¥200. This could be a lifesaver the next time you bolted out of the house forgetting to don a face mask – it happens to the best of us.
DyDo has started trialing vending machines where you can pay using facial recognition technology, and now having these crucial items available in vending machines is just another way the company is adapting to the new normal. DyDo plans to have approximately 3,000 machines offering these new products nationwide by the end of October.
Heading out? Read our guide on how to go out safely in Tokyo, or anywhere for that matter.
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