
Tokyo is the city that most people want to visit in 2019

Kaila Imada
Written by
Kaila Imada
Digital Editor, Time Out Tokyo

Following up on the recent news that Tokyo was ranked best city in Asia according to the recent Time Out index survey, we also discovered a few other impressive facts about our beloved capital. For one, Tokyo is the city most people around the world want to visit this year. We can probably attribute this fact to the impending 2020 Olympic Games, amazing seasonal foliage like our cherry blossoms, as well as Tokyo's world-class food scene (after all, we do have ten of Asia's 50 best restaurants). So if you're coming to Tokyo, welcome; we have just the list to help make your trip a memorable one.

Internally however, the global Time Out Index also revealed some interesting insights into our fellow Tokyoites. For instance, we're not the most vegan and vegetarian-friendly city, having both the least amount of vegans and vegetarians out of all the other 48 cities in the Index. But that doesn't mean we lack options. Just check out out best vegan ramen and festivals dedicated to all things veg. Tokyoites also don't seem to go out all that much, coming in last for nightclub party goers. That's largely because the trains stop running sometime after midnight, but the good news is, that's about to change with the upcoming Tokyo 2020. Or, perhaps we just prefer to spend our time drinking at the city's many excellent cocktail bars and lively izakaya instead. 

More worryingly though is that Tokyoites don't speak to their family that often. But that may come down to the fact that many of us still live with our parents, and family homes tend to be passed down through the generations as grown children tend to look after their aging parents. It also seems pretty rare that you'd bump into anyone you know in public – remember, Tokyo is one of the world's most densely populated city, with a whopping population of 36 million people living in Greater Tokyo. Work is always stressful and excessively so in Tokyo – that explains why we ranked third in the world when it comes to 'not making through the work week without some alcohol'. Thankfully, Tokyo's got a vibrant bar scene with a host of cheap bars, cocktail barscasual watering holes and alleyways dedicated to eating and drinking.  

It comes as no surprise that Tokyo also ranks third in the world for being a super convenient city – just behind Hong Kong and Singapore. It's all thanks to our super efficient public transport that can get you pretty much anywhere in the city, and not forgetting our vending machines which dispense just about anything you can think of. In fact, it is this ease and convenience that make Tokyo the perfect place for travellers, which explains why so many of you want to visit us. So come on over – just don't forget to check out all the reasons why we love Tokyo, and start planning your itinerary with 88 of the best things to do in our city

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