Our beloved capital has made it into the top ten cities in the world, coming in at number ten out of 48 cities. Better yet, we top the list as the best city in Asia. This year's Time Out Index was based on a survey of more than 33,000 city-dwellers across 48 cities around the world, as well as key insights from Time Out editors and city experts. To get our numbers, we asked our participants a range of questions covering various aspects of city living, including eating, drinking, going out, love and relationships, and even how happy they are living in their respective cities.

Tokyo is leading the Asian pack by a far stretch, with the next Asian city on the list coming in at number 29 (Singapore). So how did we get to be the top city in Asia? Respondents in the survey cited our city's safe and clean environment, ease and convenience, and great dining scene. They're right: despite Tokyo having 45 of the world's 50 busiest stations, the trains in our city run like clockwork and are incredibly punctual. Plus, the city is home to the most number of Michelin-starred restaurants in the world.

From the survey, we've also learned a few peculiar things about Tokyo. Even though Tokyoites seem to eat out at restaurants a whole lot, trailing just behind Hong Kong and Kuala Lumpur, we also happen to have the fewest vegans and vegetarians across all the cities surveyed in the Time Out Index. Yes, we do love our meat a lot, and you'll understand why once you've tasted the top class tonkatsu, yakitori and sushi here in Tokyo.

With all this excitement, it's no wonder Tokyo is also voted the city most people around the world want to visit. If Tokyo is on your travel list, here are the top 88 things to do in the city to help you plan your perfect itinerary. And if you'll be here within this couple of weeks, well, you've come at the right time as cherry blossoms are forecasted to bloom soon – here's all you need to know about enjoying the most beautiful of seasons here in Tokyo.
As the city is gearing up to host the 2020 Olympics, we are confident that Tokyo will keep its place as one of the world's greatest cities to eat, play and live.
Click here for the full list of the best cities in the world.