
Tokyo extends venue closures and event cancellations until May 6

Kaila Imada
Written by
Kaila Imada
Digital Editor, Time Out Tokyo
Tokyo skyline
Photo: Alexander Smagin/Unsplash

As the number of new Covid-19 coronavirus cases in Tokyo continues to climb, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government announced on April 1 that it will be extending the closure of public buildings and the cancellation of city-run events until May 6. On top of this, Tokyo governor Yuriko Koike has already urged people to stay indoors as well as avoid nightlife activities to curb the infection rate.

The closures and cancellations were previously set to stay in place until April 12. However, as the spread of the virus shows no signs of slowing down – with a record number of infections reported in Tokyo at the end of March – it's in everyone's best interest to continue practising self-isolation and social distancing and refrain from going out. 

A number of Tokyo attractions have remained closed since early March and major parks in the city have followed suit beginning last weekend. As of April 1, 1,594 positive coronavirus cases have been confirmed in Japan according the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

Keep up-to-date with the coronavirus situation in Tokyo here.

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