Studio Ghibli – the famed Japanese animation house behind beloved classics such as ‘My Neighbor Totoro’, ‘Princess Mononoke’ and the Oscar-winning ‘Spirited Away’ – got fans excited when they announced last year that they will open a theme park in Nagakute City’s Expo 2005 Aichi Commemorative Park (that's in central Japan, about four hours from Tokyo). Details have been scarce since, but the studio has just released a concept art for the theme park.
The image (pictured above) shows a house and tower befitting a classic Ghibli fantasyland. Plus, the abundance of greenery surrounding the mansion seems to echo the theme park’s mission that they will not disturb the location’s existing nature. That’s great news as the park is said to include jungle trails based on some of Studio Ghibli’s most iconic films. We won’t be surprised if the attraction also features Japanese myths and European-style buildings that were regularly depicted in the films. So far, it is also revealed that the antique shop from ‘Whisper of the Heart’ could become a physical reality in the park’s premises.
Should you book your tickets now? Well, hold your horses. The latest string of announcements also include a tentative opening date for the attraction, which is set for 2022. So in the meantime, we suggest you get yourself a ticket to the Ghibli Museum in Mitaka, Western Tokyo, and brush up on your Studio Ghibli knowledge.