For the new year, are you resolved to tidying up your home (or office) and start 2019 on a fresh, new slate? Well, tidying and organising guru Marie Kondo is here to help even the worst of us to purge through our over-stuffed closets and drawers filled with unnecessary items. Best known for her best-selling book and tidying philosophy coined the 'KonMarie Method', Kondo has been known to change lives through her unique sorting method of removing things that no longer 'spark joy' in our lives.
Coming to Netflix globally on January 1, 2019, the new eight-episode show 'Tidying up with Marie Kondo' will feature the master meeting some particularly messy folks and hoarders who need a bit of help letting things go. Perhaps the show will not only inspire us to start our new year with a long-overdue clean-up but also give us some practical tips on how to get our mess sorted.
All pumped for your New Year's resolution? Catch the trailer below before the big release.