Attention Christmas shoppers: Tokyo is getting its own official Nintendo store at the end of November. It's also the first-ever Nintendo store in Japan, located inside the highly anticipated, brand new Shibuya Parco shopping complex, which will open on November 22. The store's official name is 'Nintendo Tokyo'; it's on the sixth floor, next to an all-new Pokémon Center and other game/anime-related stores.
11月22日(金)、ポケモンセンターシブヤの隣に、Nintendo TOKYOも同時オープン! Nintendo TOKYOは国内で初めての任天堂オフィシャルストアだよ。これを記念して、スーパーマリオの世界観も楽しめる、とびきりの限定コラボグッズが登場! #ポケモンセンターシブヤ
— ポケモン公式ツイッター (@Pokemon_cojp) October 25, 2019
Aside from interactive demo stations, obviously, the shop will carry an extensive line of exclusive game and character merchandise. So expect to see tons of goods featuring iconic Nintendo characters including Mario, Link from Legend of Zelda, Shizue and Murabi from Animal Crossing, and many more.
For eager shoppers, Nintendo Tokyo is hosting a pre-opening special on November 20 and 21, in which 500 lucky shoppers (250 a day) can visit the store before it officially opens to the public. Submit your application for the event here (Japanese only). For further updates on the new store, follow Nintendo Tokyo's official Twitter account here.
For more shopping in Tokyo, check out the capital's best souvenir shops as well as the discount stores and outlet malls.