With Covid-19 coronavirus cases surging and seven prefectures – including Tokyo and Osaka – now officially in a state of emergency over the pandemic, it's more important than ever that we all do our best to stay home.
Tokyo isn't under lockdown like cities in China, Italy or the UK; in fact, we've got it pretty easy in comparison to the rest of the world and it's up to all of us not to take that for granted. We need to follow the government's advice on working from home and self-isloation.
If you're having trouble staying home, just remember you're not alone. Millions of people in lockdown and quarantine around the world are dealing with the same feelings of isolation, frustration and, let's be honest, boredom while cooped up indoors. Here's how they're coping with it.
When you haven’t talked to or seen a single human for six days:
When the box brings you more joy than what was in it:
When a Stay At Home Festival is the only kind you can attend:
Stay home ! pic.twitter.com/ntLkV3bX0z
— Dead Kennedys (@DeadKennedys) March 29, 2020
You've stocked up on wine because you know you'll need it to stay sane:
You know you've been quarantined for too long when:
My family had some fun with Post-It notes to entertain people who pass by. from r/pics
When exercising your dog becomes an epic battle:

When you have to get creative to make new friends:
My Mom kinda lost her mind in self quarantine. from r/funny
Who says you can't tamper with a classic?
Lockdown Rhapsody. pic.twitter.com/0pyiiXKQQ0
— David Scott (@TheKiffness) March 25, 2020
When you get a little too intense about your food:
I spent 35 minutes taking the seeds off a strawberry. from r/mildlyinteresting
When you decide to change jobs while in quarantine:
House party with DJ BigDawg? 🤣🤣 #QuarantineLife pic.twitter.com/RXG0X5a8ww
— Konrad Hurrell (@konmanhurrell) March 29, 2020
Don't go stir crazy. Here are some fun things to do at home
Have an on-nomi online drinking party with your friends
Shake up a Quarantini cocktail with konbini ingredients
Work out to free fitness videos
Discover Japan with this cycling-tour travel documentary