Acclaimed Japanese director Makoto Shinkai is back with a new sneak peek for his upcoming tri-annual feature film – and it's everything you can expect from the ‘Kimi no Na Wa’ (‘Your Name’) creator. The new film, titled ‘Suzume no Tojimari’ (English title TBC), is set to be released in Japan on November 11, with production for the anime now underway.
When Suzume follows him to the mountains to locate the door in question and opens it, it triggers a domino effect where doors that seemingly lead to nowhere all across Japan burst open one by one. It soon becomes evident that it is up to Suzume to close each door to save the world from collapsing.
‘Suzume no Tojimari’ will debut in Japanese cinemas on November 11 and will be distributed in all major territories from early 2023.
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