1. ティラノサウルス 復元骨格
    © Courtesy of The Royal Saskatchewan Museum, Sandra Foreman Photography 北海道むかわ町穂別博物館所蔵ティラノサウルス 復元骨格
  2. デイノケイルス 前足(展示は複製)
    © Institute of Paleontology and Geology of Mongolian Academy of Sciencesデイノケイルス 前足(展示は複製)
  3. 「むかわ竜」 全身実物化石
    北海道むかわ町穂別産 むかわ町穂別博物館所蔵「むかわ竜」 全身実物化石

The Dinosaur Expo 2019

  • Museums

Time Out says

Expect a full-scale T-Rex skeleton and more at this exhibition presenting a gripping overview of the last 50 years in palaeontology. It starts with the fascinating story of the 1969 discovery of the carnivorous Deinonychus in America and moves onto countless bones, fossils and
illustrative displays spread across four separate areas. In addition to the aforementioned ‘king of the dinosaurs’, the Expo features the remains of a Deinocheirus found in Mongolia and the skeletal fossil of a Mukawa-ryu excavated in Hokkaido which is over eight metres long.


Event website:
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