This business hotel in Ginza is within walking distance of many top Tokyo attractions like Tsukiji Market, Hama-rikyu Gardens and Kabukiza Theatre. There are also some major shopping malls nearby like Ginza Six, Ginza Mitsukoshi and Tokyu Plaza Ginza. The hotel itself also has plenty of attractions, including a natural hot spring, cold bath and even a sauna to relax in after a long day.
There’s a restaurant on the second floor that serves Japanese breakfast for ¥2,300 (¥1,100 for children). Hotel guests can also enjoy a free bowl of shoyu (soy sauce) ramen between 9.30pm and 11pm while supplies last.
A stay starts at around ¥12,000 per person and bookings can be made via the website. If you’re planning a special occasion, it’s worth splurging on the Japanese-style rooms (from around ¥29,000) that come with a private wooden bath and a rooftop terrace.