Directed by American John Junkerman, long-term resident of Japan and Oscar-nominated documentary filmmaker, the brand-new Okinawa: The Afterburn is a sweeping, in-depth look at the wartime and postwar history of Okinawa and the massive American military presence on the island. Consisting of interviews and rare archival footage on the 1945 Battle of Okinawa, the 27-year American occupation and the ongoing struggles of the local people up until the present, the film is a powerful statement on the historical background and complex reality of US bases on Okinawa, an issue that remains highly controversial on both the island itself and in mainland Japan. Screened three times daily at Jinbocho's Iwanami Hall, the film offers a through introduction to one of modern Japan's most pressing political issues.
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- Opening hours:
- Until Fri Jul 31 Three screenings daily, from 11am, 2.30pm and 6.30pm
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