Otaku of the world, assemble! We recently brought you a list of the best anime based on real life (school) events, but the lovely people behind the Japan Anime Tourism Association (yes, they're real) are looking to take things a step further. Their objective is to make a list of 88 anime seichi (sacred spots) across the country, for a true anime pilgrimage in a 88 Temples of Shikoku vein.
However, instead of simply picking some sights and designating them 'interesting', the organisers decided to actually ask the public for help. Anything anime-related is fair game: from the houses of the creators and the real-life locations that inspired specific scenes to anime and manga museums. A few spots seem to be a bit of a given – Studio Ghibli's museum, to name the most obvious one – but other possible contenders so far include the Washinomiya Jinja in Saitama, which inspired the opening scene of the manga-turned-anime Lucky Star.
You can submit your idea, either super underground or on the very well-trodden path, through the JATA's competition website, which is available in a range of languages. For those so inclined, there's a little treat (spoiler: a screensaver of your choice) once you've submitted your top tip and filled in the questionnaire.