In association with Lumine
First released in June last year, our guide leaflet featuring all the best things to do at Lumine shopping complexes around Tokyo, has proven popular enough for a reprint. This updated edition is also available in more languages: in addition to English, you'll find it in both traditional and simplified Chinese.
And if you need a reminder on what the guide contains, here goes: when passing through any of the major JR stations in Tokyo, you're highly likely to come across a Lumine. These shopping havens, known as Ekibiru ('station building'), are packed with the city's latest fashion trends and are always conveniently accessible.
We've again compiled the complex’s attractions, from unique displays and stores to bathrooms (yes!), in an A to Z of reasons for why Lumine is always one of the top shopping destinations for Tokyo trendsetters in their 20s and 30s. The updated version of the leaflet is available for free at Shinjuku's Lumine 1, 2, EST and NEWoMan, as well as Lumine Yurakucho, Ikebukuro and Yokohama. Make sure to pick it up on your next shopping trip.