This is the very first opportunity to view the National Museum of Western Art’s complete set of ‘The Disasters of War’, a series of prints by Francisco de Goya (1746-1828) depicting the Spanish War of Independence. Across some 82 monochrome images, the Spanish artist unflinchingly documents the suffering, both civilian and military, caused by this conflict against invading French forces that lasted from 1808 until 1814. Goya also sharply satirises the political moves that went on behind the scenes.
A number of techniques are used to achieve murky depths of grey and black appropriate for such subject matter, including etching, burnishing, drypoint and aquatint. In a print titled ‘Against the Common Good’ we see the ‘accounting’ of war being carried out by a demon with bat wings extending from his skull, while the less figurative ‘Cartloads to the Cemetery’ shows the body of a long-limbed young female being unloaded from a cart prior to her funeral.
Together, these works convey the wretchedness that accompanies human conflict in any era. Furthermore, the series asks a question that is more pertinent than ever, in a present marked by the ‘fake news’ phenomenon: what should we do when truth and justice break down, and the dark side of civilisation is revealed?
The exhibition is closed on Monday (except April 29 and May 6) and May 7.