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UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Special Exhibition "The World of Traditional Performing Arts – Kabuki, Bunraku, Noh and Kyogen, Gagaku, Kumiodori"

  • Art

Time Out says

Note: The start of this exhibition has been delayed indefinitely due to the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak. Opening hours and dates are subject to change.

The five types of Japanese performing art recognised as elements of Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO are kabuki theatre, bunraku puppetry, noh and kyogen (comic theatre), gagaku (traditional court music) and kumiodori (Okinawan musical theatre). All five are featured extensively in this ambitious exhibition, presented by the Japan Arts Council and Japan Cultural Expo, which zooms in on the notion of Japanese beauty through a focus on the interplay between humans and nature. Besides watching performances of the five arts, you'll be able to admire costumes, props, instruments and other related items, watch videos of notable shows, and even briefly turn into a kabuki actor yourself by taking advantage of some digital ingenuity. Making Japan's time-honoured performing arts accessible to first-timers, the exhibition is a great way to experience this seemingly opaque sphere of traditional culture.


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