1. 「激動の時代 幕末明治の絵師たち」展
    両賊深山妖術競之図 | 歌川芳艶 大判錦絵三枚続 万延元年(1860) 千葉市美術館 【展示期間:11/8~12/3】
  2. 「激動の時代 幕末明治の絵師たち」展
    群船図 | 安田雷洲 一幅 江戸時代 19世紀 日本民藝館 【展示期間:11/8~12/3】
  3. 「激動の時代 幕末明治の絵師たち」展
    五百羅漢図 第二十一・二十二幅 | 狩野一信 嘉永7~文久3年(1854~63)大本山増上寺【全期間展示】
  4. 「激動の時代 幕末明治の絵師たち」展
    危嶂懸泉図 | 安田雷洲 一幅 江戸時代19世紀 公益財団法人 平野政吉美術財団 【展示期間:11/8~12/3】

Tumultuous Times: Painters in the Bakumatsu and Meiji

  • Art, Masterpiece

Time Out says

The 19th century was a significant period of upheaval for Japan as the country transitioned from the waning Edo era into the dawn of the Meiji era. The art of the time mirrored the tumult, capturing societal shifts, historical events, and the challenging dichotomy between tradition and transformation.

This meticulously curated exhibition unfolds over four chapters: the rich tapestry of the late-Edo painting scene, Western-inspired artistry, the universe of ukiyo-e prints, and the audacious painters of this volatile period. Highlights include Kano Issei's 'Go Hyaku Rakan Zu', exemplifying Western shading techniques on traditional Buddhist art, and Yasuda Raishu's intricate copperplate prints capturing breathtaking landscapes. Additionally, Utagawa-school ukiyo-e prints, which vividly showcase the burgeoning Western influence in the newly opened port of Yokohama, promise to enthral.

Amidst the backdrop of seismic events, from Perry's Black Ships to devastating earthquakes, artists interprets these landmark occasions with stark realism, entrancing novelties and ethereal enchantments. Their legacy – both a reflection of their times and a beacon for the modern era – offers a poignant resonance to today's tumultuous world. Dive deep, revel in the resonance, and feel the pulsating heartbeat of artists who thrived amidst chaos.


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