What’s your current impression of Japan, and how has it changed during your time here?

My first visit to Japan was in 1994, when I was studying at the Foreign Ministry’s training centre for young diplomats in Kita-Urawa for nine months. We learned a lot about Japan’s culture, history and policies, and also tried to learn Japanese language. While [my classmates and I] were certainly focused on our studies, we also had some time to enjoy Tokyo, go to Roppongi and Shibuya [laughs]. I now wonder how we were able to find all those nice karaoke bars and restaurants without Google Maps, but somehow when you’re 24, you manage.
Many things in Tokyo resemble the way they were back in 1994 and ’95, but many things have also been changing. I’ve certainly noticed how quickly buildings are demolished and rebuilt in the city. I’ve been living in Shibuya for five years now, and this area – including the surroundings of the embassy – is always under construction. Tokyo is always on the move.
The city is still just as busy as it was in 1994-95, but now that I have children of my own, I notice that there are more men looking after children – it’s not only the ladies who are taking their kids to school or pushing prams. Especially on the weekends, you see more men in parks and at playgrounds. In addition, I see more women in business and there are more women political leaders, including Tokyo governor Ms Koike, and that is encouraging. I have also noticed that many more Tokyoites now have pets – you see people walking down the streets and you expect to see a baby in their buggy, when it’s actually a dog or a cat. I think that wasn’t as common in the mid-’90s.