Super Wall Art Tokyo, part of the Tokyo Tokyo Festival Special 13, sees two massive artworks gracing a pair of office buildings in front of Tokyo Station in the capital’s Marunouchi business district. The murals have been designed by father-and-daughter artist duo Tadanori Yokoo and Mimi Yokoo.
Mimi was in charge of the 3,371sqm glass façade of the Marunouchi Building, which now features a large-scale artwork based on ignis (Latin for fire), featuring a playful design with plenty of animal, flower and angel motifs.
In contrast, Tadanori, who was part of the design team of the Tokyo 1964 Summer Olympics, based his work on aqua (water) – it’s made up of photos of waterfalls and rapids, covering the 4,381sqm façade of the Shin-Marunouchi Building.
Each design features over 100 individual 3sqm sheets assembled into one large-scale artwork.