1. Shimada Tadashi: Wild Moments; The World of Beautiful Birds
    Ougonfukuchoumodoki 2008 Collection of the Artist
  2. Shimada Tadashi: Wild Moments; The World of Beautiful Birds
    Shimaenaga 2010-2017 Collection of the Artist
  3. Shimada Tadashi: Wild Moments; The World of Beautiful Birds
    Ojiroonagafoochou 2000-2018 Collection of the Artist

Shimada Tadashi: Wild Moments; The World of Beautiful Birds

  • Art, Photography

Time Out says

Born in 1949, Shimada Tadashi is known for his photographs of wildlife, mainly birds in Oceania and New Guinea. Shimada’s works are reminiscent of the traditional Nihonga-style paintings that promote nature, capturing the very essence of the subject.

This solo show for one of the world’s most prominent nature photographers features works spanning forty-years of his career, including photos of the rare wildlife in New Guinea.


¥700, university students ¥600, high school students and under ¥500
Opening hours:
Tue-Wed, Sat-Sun 10am - 6pm, (last entry 5.30pm), Thu-Fri 10am-8pm (7.30pm), closed Mon
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