Anime Station Tokyo is celebrating the latest addition to the ‘Gundam’ franchise by hosting a special ‘Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Freedom’ exhibition, ongoing until early May. Dedicated to the aforementioned film, which was released in January this year, the event features an exclusive showcase of rare materials and illustrations from the iconic 'Mobile Suit Gundam' anime series.
As the exhibition also coincides with the 45th anniversary of the Gundam franchise, it offers a comprehensive look at Gundam's long and illustrious history. Visitors can explore a detailed timeline, admire iconic Mobile Suits, and view a collection of beloved Gunpla models.
This year is especially significant as the iconic moving Gundam in Yokohama will be closing at the end of March. The exhibition therefore provides fans with a unique chance to dive into the Gundam universe. By first visiting the towering mecha in Yokohama and then exploring this exhibition in Ikebukuro, fans can enjoy a seamless Gundam experience that celebrates both its rich legacy and promising future.