Scorpion Dagger, also known as James Kerr, is a digital artist from Montreal, Canada, famed for his short animations blending cut-outs from historical art paintings. With this signature approach, he creates a distinctive visual style, which he then uses to comment on modern society and pop culture.
For his Tokyo showcase, sponsored by Bottega, Scorpion Dagger has drawn inspiration from his trip to Japan last summer. Flooded with new ideas, his latest works feature his regular characters cut out from their usual scenes but now mixed into his Japanese experiences.
Over the course of his career, Kerr has also had the opportunity to write and produce music videos for renowned musicians including Brockhampton, Tommy Cash, Elf Parade and Metz. He has also worked on commissions by The Cluny Museum, The New York Times, Fender, Gucci and more.