1. 画像提供:国立科学博物館 特別展「毒」事務局
    画像提供:国立科学博物館 特別展「毒」事務局
  2. Photo: Rana Akahoshi
    Photo: Rana Akahoshiイラガ、セイヨウイラクサ、オオスズメバチ、ハブの巨大模型
  3. Photo: Runa Akahoshi
    Photo: Runa Akahoshi実物比約40倍のオオスズメバチ巨大模型
  4. Photo: Runa Akahoshi
    Photo: Runa Akahoshiイラガ巨大模型
  5. Photo: Runa Akahoshi
    Photo: Runa Akahoshiハブ
  6. Photo: Runa Akahoshi
    Photo: Runa Akahoshiプラスチックごみ
  7. Photo: Runa Akahoshi
    Photo: Runa AkahoshiDDT散布器
  8. Photo: Runa Akahoshi
    Photo: Runa Akahoshi有毒なシマキンチャクフグ(右)無毒なノコギリハギ(左)、そっくりに進化しているのが分かる
  9. Photo: Runa Akahoshi
    Photo: Runa Akahoshiコアラ
  10. Photo: Runa Akahoshi
    Photo: Runa Akahoshiシロバナムシヨケギクと世界初の蚊取り線香
  11. Photo: Runa Akahoshi
    Photo: Runa Akahoshi世界最大級のトカゲで唾液に毒成分を含むコモドオオトカゲ
  12. Photo: Runa Akahoshi
    Photo: Runa Akahoshiベニテングタケぬいぐるみをもつ伊沢

National Museum of Nature and Science Special Exhibition: Poison

  • Art

Time Out says

Learn about poisonous creatures at this new special exhibition at Ueno’s National Museum of Nature and Science. Nine researchers in the fields of zoology, botany and anthropology provide an insight on poisons that exist everywhere in our natural world. You’ll find 250 exhibits, including large 3D-printed models of a habu (a species of venomous pit viper found in Okinawa), an Asian giant hornet, a slug moth and common nettle. There’s also a corner on man-made ‘poisons’, such as microplastics and insecticides.

Note that exhibition tickets have to be purchased in advance.


Event website:
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