Gallery AaMo in Tokyo Dome City is setting up a very strange exhibition this year: the Museum of Bad Art. No, this isn't a collection of kindergarten finger-painting, but a serious (okay, not that serious) collection of the 'very best bad art' – art that's 'too bad to be ignored.' This special exhibit comes from a collection at the Museum of Bad Art in Boston where their tag line is 'The world's only museum dedicated to the collection, preservation, exhibition and celebration of bad art in all its forms'.
Each piece is the collection has a weird charm to it – obviously bad but totally engaging, forcing the viewer's attention as they try to work out why this work is so bad. For some it's the subject, for others it's the drawing style. You really just have to see it to understand. Prepare to be amazed that a museum devoted to the exclusive purveyance of crappy art could be so delightful and engrossing.