1. 国宝 木造梵天坐像 平安時代 教王護国寺蔵(提供:便利堂)
    国宝 木造梵天坐像 平安時代 教王護国寺蔵(提供:便利堂)
  2. 国宝 明月記 自筆本のうち 正治二年正月二月記 鎌倉時代 冷泉家時雨亭文庫蔵
    国宝 明月記 自筆本のうち 正治二年正月二月記 鎌倉時代 冷泉家時雨亭文庫蔵
  3. 重要文化財 絹本著色五百羅漢図 南北朝時代 東福寺蔵 修理作業風景
    重要文化財 絹本著色五百羅漢図 南北朝時代 東福寺蔵 修理作業風景

Kyoto National Treasure – To Protect and Convey Japanese Treasures

  • Art

Time Out says

UPDATE: The start of this exhibition has been postponed until further notice due to the Covid-19 coronavirus epidemic.

A veritable ‘greatest hits’ collection of Kyoto-related art from over the centuries, this exhibition – co-presented by Japan Cultural Expo – encompasses paintings, sculptures, historical documents and other artworks that have been designated National Treasures of Japan, plus a selection of treasures belonging to the imperial family. These about 40 masterpieces all express respect for nature in one shape or form, providing clues as to the origins of modern-day Japanese values and aesthetics. Besides admiring the art, visitors can learn about how the Agency for Cultural Affairs protects and preserves items of cultural and historical significance, from the acquisition of restoration materials to the techniques used when repairing important artworks. ‘Kyoto National Treasure’ is held simultaneously with ‘250 Years of Kyoto Art Masterpieces’, an exhibition that commemorates the reopening of Kyoto City Kyocera Museum of Art.

Note: The dates and opening hours of this exhibition may change due to the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak. Please see the official website for the latest details.


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