Friday Road Show is a long-running weekly TV segment that began in 1985, where full-length, family-friendly films are broadcast every Friday evening on Nippon TV (NTV). The broadcasting network has a strong relationship with Studio Ghibli, as the channel has featured the illustrious anime studio's films over 200 times in the decades since Hayao Miyazaki released his first feature, 'Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind' (1984).
In this joint exhibition between NTV and Studio Ghibli, anime fans can revel in the magic of the animation studio through Takayuki Takeya's sculptures of the creatures seen in Studio Ghibli's debut film, the studio's stained glass mirror lantern, and other mesmerising installations.
This Tokyo exhibition will open at Warehouse Terrada on June 29 and run through September 24 before reopening at the Toyama Prefectural Museum of Art and Design on October 8 2023.