1. Florentijn Hofman MORE Yellow
    画像提供:Whitestone Ginza New Gallery
  2. フロレンティン・ホフマン: MORE Yellow
    画像提供:Whitestone Ginza New Gallery
  3. フロレンティン・ホフマン: MORE Yellow
    画像提供:Whitestone Ginza New Gallery
  4. フロレンティン・ホフマン: MORE Yellow
    画像提供:Whitestone Ginza New Gallery | フロレンティン・ホフマン

Florentijn Hofman: More Yellow

  • Art

Time Out says

Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman is well-known internationally for his larger-than-life Rubber Ducks, which have appeared in some of the world’s biggest cities including Osaka, Hong Kong, Sydney, São Paulo, Seoul and many more. His works have always been imbued with a sense of playfulness, as it’s his mission to make art more accessible to people and at the same time, evoke pleasant memories from the viewer’s childhood.

It’s obvious that yellow is Hofman’s favourite colour and this palette of joy is the basis of his first solo exhibition in Japan. At this show you’ll find various animals in vibrant colours, which Hofman hopes will encourage viewers to uncover their inner childlike playfulness.


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