Stranger Things has taken over Bondi Beach, and now it's coming for your TikTok feed

Experience the ‘Upside Down Under’ thanks to a Stranger Things 4 Augmented Reality Filter
Someone filming the Sydney Harbour Bridge with their phone
Photograph: Nigel Kippers | |
By Time Out in partnership with Netflix

Loving the new season of Stranger Things on Netflix? So are we. The first volume of season four landed on May 27, with Volume 2 streaming on July 1, and we can’t get enough. 

Luckily, it’s possible to immerse yourself in the Upside Down here in Australia. Following on from the opening of a mysterious rift on Bondi Beach, there is now a Stranger Things TikTok AR filter you can try for yourself that can turn your snackable videos into terrifying, otherworldly nightmares.

Complete with flying spores, creeping vines and flashes of red lightning, the AR filter has a remixed version of the Stranger Things theme music. Watch out, who’s that looming figure coming at you? Reenact Will’s ordeal, Eleven’s courageous showdown against the Mind Flayer, or go on your own personal quest for #JusticeForBarb. 

If anything can make the entrance to Sydney's Luna Park more scary it's this filter:

Little Niche NoshPhotograph: Nigel Kippers

And here it is i
n action with cast members Gaten Matarazzo and Sadie Sink:

Stranger Things UGC Tik Tok

Stranger Things 4 Volume 1 now streaming only on Netflix, Volume 2 from July 1.

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