Hannah Conda

Age: 30 Instagram: @hannahcondaofficial
Hannah Conda is not only beautiful and bubbly but also genuinely kind. What a bitch, right?! She is a big presence (with a bigger laugh) in the Sydney drag scene, and she co-founded Drag Storytime in 2016.
Who is Hannah Conda in a nutshell?
I am the self-professed fairy godmother of drag. I like to be the spark of magic in a room, and I like to just make people laugh and smile and have a great time.
What are you bringing to this season?
I hope to make you laugh. I made myself laugh! I got separated from a couple of the girls for laughing all the time... I'm really excited and proud of being able to bring a lot of heart and a lot of warmth to the season. Just like I do at a club, I like to make sure everyone is having a good time. So that was my role on set, I was making sure everyone was having a good old time and we were all laughing.
What influences your drag?
I’ve always gravitated to powerful, strong women who are just unapologetically themselves, and that really sort of channels where I like to go in drag. And in terms of style, I really love playing in the period. So I like to take something from the ’60s and flip it a little bit and make it modern. I really liked exploring different silhouettes from different periods. One of my favourite costumes is a '60s cape dress made from a shower curtain with Nicolas Cage as a cat printed on it. Ha!
Where are the best places to see drag in Sydney and around Australia?
Oh my gosh, if so many wonderful places. Oxford Street is an incredible gay icon in itself in Sydney, where you can go to see drag shows at Universal, who have done some incredible stuff over the last couple of years through the pandemic, Stonewall Hotel, the Oxford Hotel – they're sort of the three main pillars of our Oxford Street circuit, but then there's tonnes of little bars in between where you can catch drag. The Imperial, the iconic Imperial from Priscilla, that's an incredible place to catch drag in the Inner West. But then around Australia, there are so many incredible venues. I've had the privilege of performing at the Court and at Connections, they are my home bars in Perth. Then I've just actually been to Darwin, and Darwin has an incredible place called Discovery. I loved it, it was wild.
What’s so special about Australian drag?
It's got a very different history to drag anywhere else in the world in the way that we base ourselves around that big production sort of style of performing. So we're very much working in teams all the time. There's been a lot of growing and changing that has happened in the drag community over the last few years, which I'm so proud of. Because we are at the forefront of a lot of issues and we are the mouthpieces of our community, and we are also the glue of that community. A lot of people will try to find solace in drag, and I think we provide that really well Down Under.
Who are the local queens that you think people should have an eye on?
OK, this is a tough one. Charisma Belle and Carmen Geddit, they're my beautiful sisters and I'm so honoured to be able to work with them so frequently. Then you've got Vybe, who's incredible, and Sia Tequila. There's a whole host of new girls that are coming in, Victoria Mami, Karna Ford, Logan, King, Spacehorse, Tina Bikki, Amyl Clooney. Oh my God, the list goes on!
What is the most fierce thing you’ve ever done in drag?
I'm gonna apply this to myself and to anybody that dares don drag in any of its forms: just doing drag. We're putting ourselves out there to be judged, to be critiqued, to be enjoyed, to be loved, to be hated. And I think that is fearless. So I take my hat off to anybody that does the art of drag, because they're my heroes.