Nakkiah Lui for 40 Under 40

Nakkiah Lui

Time Out Sydney's Forty Under 40


Nakkiah Lui is a playwright, writer, broadcaster, and star of ABC 2’s Black Comedy. She’s also an outspoken agitator for indigenous rights and recognition. Lui’s packed schedule includes writing a book of short stories, penning plays for Belvoir and the Sydney Theatre Company, and a new podcast series that’s “still kind of a secret”. While she doesn’t directly cite taking over the world on her to-do list, we see it as an inevitable consequence.

In the future Nakkiah hopes Sydney: “Engages more deeply with its history. It was only 200 years ago that the ships arrived and that’s a really direct conversation we’re having with colonisation... Historically, these spaces could be interrogated a lot more, and I think that would help guide us into being a world-leading city.”

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