British author, scientist and physician Michael Mosley is returning to Sydney to reveal secrets about the human body in his talk, Wonders of the Human Body.
Mosley is known to go to great lengths to prove or bust myths, often subjecting his body to unusual treatments and health-related tasks. In this talk, he will share his secrets to living a healthy lifestyle at all ages, and footage from his escapades captured while uncovering his ideas.
He’s no stranger to giving public medical advice, having pioneered the popular 5:2 diet and starring in multiple BBC, ABC, and SBS television series such as Dr Michael Mosley’s Reset and Inside the Human Body. Mosley is also an author with internationally best-selling books including The Fast 800 and The Clever Guts Diet.
Have you ever felt ill and Googled your symptoms only to discover completely outrageous suggestions? This is your time to blurt out any crazy questions to the expert in the Q&A section of Mosley’s talk at the State theatre.