Jess Scully for 40 Under 40
Photograph: Daniel Boud | |
Photograph: Daniel Boud | |

Jess Scully

Time Out Sydney's Forty Under 40


If you’re planning to attend a talk or seminar in Sydney this May, there’s a good chance Jess Scully had a hand in it. As the curator of Vivid Ideas, which this year has swelled to over 170 events, and co-curator of TEDxSydney, she’s the city’s queen of real-world knowledge sharing. As if she wasn’t busy enough, Jess is also in the process of working on a ‘secret podcast’ and a project with UNSW that will help connect the arts community with leaders in scientific research. 

In the future Jess hopes Sydney: “Can live up to our potential to be a diverse, vibrant and creative capital – with a nightlife where you can dance at any time.” 

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