Have your say on drug and alcohol regulation as part of the 2022 Global Drug Survey

The survey is completely anonymous, and only takes around 20 minutes to complete
A gold ash tray with a smoking joint resting on the edge
Photograph: Supplied/Global Drug Survey | |
By Time Out in association with the Global Drug Survey

Since its inception ten years ago, the Global Drug Survey has allowed more than 900,000 people to divulge their thoughts on everything from microdosing and vaping, to drug delivery and alcohol consumption during lockdowns (fun fact: the 2021 findings revealed that us Aussies reported feeling drunk more often than people in any other country). 

One thing that has remained consistent though, is the mission to continue promoting honest conversations about drug use and helping to keep people safe regardless of the legal status of the drug. And so to continue this work, and also commemorate the tenth anniversary of the very first survey, the team behind the annual wrap-up are inviting you to take part in the upcoming questionnaire.

The 2022 Global Drug Survey is concentrating on seven key areas of vital public health importance: attitudes towards drug policy and the impact of drug policies on people’s lives, the experience of returning to (or staying away from) clubs and festivals in the pandemic era, drink spiking, sex and psychadelics, no- or low-alcohol beverages, the use of cannabis in combination with tobacco and the use of mescaline containing cactus. This is in addition to the usual questions measuring drug and alcohol use, patterns and market changes.

Everyone is eligible to participate, and the survey is confidential, anonymous and encrypted (however, there is an option to provide contact details should you wish to take part in future surveys). Think of it as an opportunity to contribute your own personal anecdotes, all in the name of research.

It’s also important to note the survey is approved by the University College London ethics committee, and all findings are promptly reported to the public and published in academic journal articles. The Global Drug Survey also produces apps and a number of other tools to assist people who use drugs and alcohol, with a harm reduction ethos. 

Ready to spill the tea on all things drugs and alcohol? Take the 2022 Global Drug Survey to share your experiences.

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