Dangar Island
Photograph: Martin Ohye

Dangar Island

  • Things to do

Time Out says

That’s not a typo: it’s not especially dangerous, nor is it a misspelled tribute to Dengar, one of Darth Vader’s bounty hunters. The forested Hawkesbury River island is named after Henry Carey Dangar, who bought the island in 1864 (prior to that it was called Mullet Island, named by Governor Phillip in tribute to the ample fish stocks in the region – all of which had haircuts that were short at the front and long at the back). These days it’s heavily populated, although there are no private cars permitted on Dangar’s 29 hectares. Fair enough: it takes less than five minutes to walk from one side to the other.

Island hop? Sure thing: it’s a popular tourist destination and easy to get to via the Brooklyn Ferry, whose wharf is right next to the Hawkesbury River train station. Ferry Wharf, Dangar Rd, Brooklyn 2083.


Dangar Island
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